The phone it just rings RING RING RINGING "I answer" "The person you are trying to contact" Iiiiiiissssss Nooootttt Hoooommmee I smash the receiver against The wall Shards of black rain Upon the concrete, Turn liquid in to the cracks, dissolve Then I run in to darkness I hear it once more Taunting, Ridiculing, Mocking Me in the distance I reach my destination "The person you are trying to contact" Iiiiiiissssss Nooootttt Hoooommmee I once again smash Screaming, Fu#k you, I look out the window I see everything But the phone keeps RING, RING, RINGING I'm trapped within a mind That never answers, I am Lucid in here but "The phone never rings out" My subconscious, just leaves a message, "The person you are trying to contact" **Iiiiiiissssss Nooootttt Hoooommmee