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Dec 2014
The old and feeble worship and rave
Trying to find more souls to save
For if they can save one from the pyre
They'll surely subvert their own hell's fire

Dismissing a past strewn with humanity and sin
All the lies forgotten, so empty within
Judging all others, since they found their path
Do they have enough stones, they're doing the math

For they will not leave a sinner unbruised
Bashing their lives, verbally abused
Telling them all they're feeling is wrong
Dressing it pretty in verses and song

Hypocrites profound, come one and come all
The louder they boast the harder they fall
Pride in beliefs is still a cardinal sin
When I get to Hell, I'll welcome you in
Strong faith, fellowship, worship, etc. is not bashing others for doing the very thing you spent your entire life doing. I'm not judging them for trying to make it into heaven as soon as they think they may just kick the bucket, but don't shove your Jesus down my throat, my Jesus is kind and forgiving and does not hate me for being fallible.  After all, he made me human in the first place.  I hate f'n hypocrites.
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