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Nov 2014
I rise along with the sun
A new day
A new start
The mistakes and success' of yesterday are long since gone
It's a new day
Some I want to end just as they begin
others to last forever

No matter my mood
My strength
My Fatigue
It's a new day
It's a new start
Choices are made
To show love
To show hate
To work strong
Or fall to FATE
These choices all must face
Ones that lead to good
Others--- not so much

As the sun descends
The day comes to an end
We face the consequences of our daily wake
Hearts broken
Hearts mended
New friends
New enemies
But here we enter the forgiveness of the night
A new day
A new start.
Timothy Stout
Written by
Timothy Stout  Oklahoma
       No Nahme, Steven A Fowler, ---, Timothy, Pax and 12 others
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