One day I will be a famous poet for now I write stillborn poems that die after a line so I have to delete them my professor tells me unfinished thoughts are just as intriguing as finished ones but they will not make me famous so I do not need them
One day I will be a famous poet I will write a one thousand page poem so long that no one will ever finish it but they will think everyone has finished it so one will ask "Have you read that one thousand page poem?" and the other will answer "Yes I have and it was great!" and then the two will agree and continue to speak of its greatness even though neither has read the poem because if they had made it past page 193 they would have seen that the remaining pages are just the word "famous" in different fonts strewn across the page like dandelions and then I will be famous
One day I will be a famous poet I will write a poem with no words with just a title that says "Think" and people will read it and they will think and they will write their own poems each different and precise unique in its own way and they will credit me when they do so they will say "you made us think" "you are a genius" "A great" and all I would have done is write one word a word we all say and then I will be famous
One day I will be a famous poet I will write a poem with no ending And people will proceed to write their own Because I