This wind keeps snapping at our feet through shoes unravelling. Gales are hungry. Night's abandoned, streets have emptied. Still, we own them--just keep talking. Winter's wailing. **** the old days. Clutching coats closed, tread nostalgia past these sidewalk intersections. Claimed by rambling conversations, often we're only rehashing our worst mistakes and shivering our way be- -neath stoplights lit by good memories.
I've got this notion tonight that we'll find our way back into the warmth found behind our locked front doorways. Ways we've found to always hide our faces from the cold outside have been running dry all night. So drink down the cold street light and we'll make a blur of those green-white street signs.
This cold's still clawing at your face through scarf unraveling. Chapped lips smiling. Nights like this have kept on piling. Winter owns us. Just keep walking. Winter's crying, "**** the old days!" Frostbit footsteps slip nostalgia past these frowning checkpoint questions. Retouch same old observations. Sometimes we're only retracing the same missteps but frigid friends like us are melting into old habits
I've got this notion tonight that we'll take this route for one more familiar cold flight from here to daybreak. Say, "let fly those bomb bay doors!" We've bombed these frozen streets before, and I've got a couple more so keep moving 'til we find our front doors.