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Nov 2014
I stare at the page
But I can't focus
I am reminiscing
All the feelings
From long ago
I am better than I was
But still
I fall back into the
The despair
I used to live with
Sometimes I don't even know
But I feel it
Right now
I can feel it
But it is different
It is quieter
Like a memory
Knocking at the window
It won't come in
I will just watch it
Remember it
Write of it
Until I forget
For a moment
And live*
For a moment
It will be back
It will slip through my door
That I tried to lock
And it will wrap its arms
Around me
A familiar embrace
That suffocates me
Forces me to
Forget my life
My responsibilities
And lie
Huddled around it
Waiting for it to leave me
For another moment
It is just passing by
It won't come in today
And I can live
Through this moment
Repost if you still feel depression, even if you have been able to mostly ignore it.
*live, it is not used interchangeably with survive in this poem, but refers to when you are actually actively participating in your life, your thoughts are focused on what you are doing, not on the despair
Ena Alysopriono
Written by
Ena Alysopriono
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