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Sep 2014
Sometimes I wish I could
see into the future
gaze Like Nostradamus into
a pool of flaming water
Tomorrow disrobing
disclosing all her hidden secrets
how seductive it would be
to lift the fluttering veils
between worlds seen and unseen
read the destiny of uncharted stars
soft multi-colored gaslights glimmering
across the vaporous ethers
but then I ponder
in my heart
to what avail would all
this be if I don’t know

who I am

the vast person
enthroned within
who answers to a thousand names
and no name
The One in which
the sun, moon
planets, whirling galaxies,
humanity and all
that exists animate
and inanimate
moves, breathes and
has its being
Sonya Ki Tomlinson
Written by
Sonya Ki Tomlinson  Palm Bay, Florida
(Palm Bay, Florida)   
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