There is no destiny There is no fate There is no truth Or justice Or love
There is no radiation Pollution Or corruption There is no right Left Or wrong
Nothing to dance to No song No dream to cling to No hope
There is no age to live for No beauty to fight for There is no love
There is no wonder Power Or Lust There is no war No killing No blood to spill No God to fear No list to finish No melting sun
There is no marriage There is no soul There is no you There is no warmth There is no fight to win There is nothing to lose
No French kisses No French fries No transfat There are no lies.
There is nothing in this world that will please you Nothing in your heart that will ease you. Of all the deep wants you yearn to have Nothing will fill your emptiness So take all you want And give all you can And live to die And die for (something you think is) love For nothing is real Nothing is fake Everyoneβs helpless There is no need to hate.