David peered out the glass patio door commenting on how straight and tall the Florida pine tree bordering our property was except for the numerous pine needles and cones burgeoning forth from its branches it was truly a straight and narrow trunk
Well, I responded, pine represents purity and immaculacy I remember my Mom scrubbing our house with pine-sol schools and buildings were also steeped in the overwhelming scent of pine
Native Americans believed allowing pine needles to brush the crown of the head cleansed the aura of all negativity
In fact the pineal gland or third eye of Lord Shiva is shaped like a tiny pine cone and harbors the ability to know the past, present and future
Pine trees are emerald guardians of the forest virtuous, protective, refreshing and invigorating rising in solitary splendor its lofty height allows a broader view and larger perspective of things
David and I leaned back on our sofa the balmy wind whistling clean and sweet through the benevolent branches of the noble pine