I used to sing in the shower Dance like I was in the rain Watch all of my worries Be washed down the drain
I’d use all the hot water up The mirror covered in steam So the bathroom was foggy Like on a cloud, in a dream
I’d wash my body with soap That smelled just of a daisy So I was clean and sweet Then I’d shampoo like crazy
I used to sing in the shower But that was when I had him When he left I was drowning And he knew I can’t swim
So now I sit in the shower No dancing like in the rain Because each time I cry And I remember the *pain
"Before I met him, I would dance in the shower. When he was in my life, I would think about showering with him. After he left, I would sit on the ground in the shower and cry. When I got over him, I showered so quickly there was no time for dancing, fantasies, or tears. Someone can invade the smallest parts of your life, you won't even realize it until you dance in the shower again and wonder why you ever stopped."