As soon as the exams were over, we will be taken over To a place already familiar to us, as this was ours to be taken over always The place was like forever before, a two story cubicle With a small attic attached, the best part of it.
They welcomed us, as usual with some food and sweets Which made us feel drowsy for the time being And we will go to bed in the attic, which we will insist As it was a place full of suspense and thrill
The attic was used as a storage room, with a bedding spread between The enshrouded variety of storage, which will be our apparatus In this lab of mystery, sometimes we will find some Interesting things like, train tickets, military calendars and at other times, great mouth tangling stuff
#004 The Attic. A nostalgic prosework dedicated to one of my sweetest childhood memory. No rhyme scheme is followed.