I was going to write the story of us as a gift, but I've decided against it. Now, I am writing you this letter. This letter will express everything I've failed to tell you with my mouth. I still remember the first time I saw you. My friends and I were in Bath and Body Works, killing time before the movie when they say, "hey Tae is here." I turn around and see the most handsome man I've ever laid my eyes on. You were wearing glasses and a light brown shirt with dark jeans and sneakers. I remember feeling my face flush when I saw you. Who knew that this moment would have changed my life? One of my favorite moments between us was before we even started dating. I was scared and upset and called you in a panic. Do you remember what you did? Is there anyway you could have forgotten? You sang me "You're My Sunshine." Its the one thing that has stayed ours throughout the entire relationship and that song means more to me than you may ever know. You've never failed to sweep me off my feet. Whether you're in a tank top and sweats, dressed up for prom, or even in your **** underwear you never fail to take my breath away. What I'm trying to say is, I love you. These past few years with you have been the best years of my life. I would never change it for anything. Even if it meant spending my life with David Tennant or Trey Songz, I would pick you every time. It's going to be hard when you leave. I hope this letter brings you joy and love when we can't be together. I wish you the best of luck in college and with wrestling. I know you will excel in everything you do and I can't wait to hear from you soon. I love you so much, Antavian. Thank you for spending my life with me, these have been the best few years. No matter what happens, *you will always be my sunshine.
The letter to my sweet boyfriend for when he leaves for college and we go our separate ways.