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Aug 2014
Like bricks
Your words hit the floor

And with a bang
Lines crawled across the tiles

Small at first
But more jagged with time

Until they met the walls
And then it all disappeared

I was being ****** into darkness
Wind ripping past my head

My shirt beating against my chest
And all stability gone

I flailed as I fell
For what seemed to be an eternity

My body burning up
The pain unbearable

Now head first
I saw a light below me

It grew closer
As the heat exponentiated

And then

All too instantly
The inferno stopped

And in it's place
A soul chilling cold

The darkness returned
Now suspended in blue

My body refused to listen
As my heart thumped against its cage

Every beat begged and pleaded
Longing for the company of yours

Overcome with despair and loneliness
This was truly hell
Joseph Bucci
Written by
Joseph Bucci  United States
(United States)   
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