She comes to me every night... When all is asleep with stars lit yonder. Comes to me with subtle might Peeking fiendishly from darkness's cover
Await such time she'd choose to show Await the chance to finally take. Ready to pounce like a well tensioned bow Arrow-like talons, ever honed to stake.
Awake or asleep, she would come without fail. Creep is her gait; this shadow clad figure. Always a ***** in my impervious mail. Claiming her wants with ferocious fervour.
Deemed to be strong, easier to succumb. Don't fight...don't struggle... Don't call for aid... Just wait and will yourself numb She'd come regardless of prayers that's said.
She was here with me last night In bed, I stared at a being that's faceless... And my heart wrenched tight. Gripping and feeding me senseless...
Soon as she came, she left but not before Siphoning the good and replacing with dread... Stole was what she did; left me wanting more... Once deed is done, into the dark she fled.
I know her all too well, Nocturnal guest that I unknowingly invite Her intentions to incite, not quell Send me spiralling through emotional blight.
Day will recede, making room for dark She'll come; swift and without sound. She'll arrive majestic; inflicting her mark I'll wait for her, ready and unbound.
Looking forward to her return This silent foe whom I find familiar. With every touch I cringe and burn Oh secret friend whom I'm beginning to savour...
She is synonymous with various names Each would bear the likeness of semblance Let fly her cloak of not dissimilar aims Endearingly I call her...,