I have one wrist shackled to my watch strap dragging me to obey the sweeping hands of another like a traffic cop ordering hours of peaks to start and stop relentlessly spilling time from a once brimming cup splish splash out into oceans of flashy imaginings I need the delicate precision of a jeweller's screwdriver kit to make sense of the shared purpose of the springs pushing the wheels to wear green amber red carats tiny diamonds that aren't meant to sparkle but sit immovable within sealed circles waiting in partnership inexorably waiting patiently forever for the sun to release its shackle the chain dripping a ting a ting from the earth into a new star winding up the decayed orbiting to trap the same diamonds on a second hand swept somewhere afar and with a roll ex-galaxies expired their guest president bracelet their gasped jewelled weight in loving eyes of liquid gold not ordering us two to be a slave to anything now time shone free could not be sold apart ever again