She always wondered what it would be like to be loved And not slipped under someone like a glove. She always dreamed of not being a man’s trophy. Yes she Wondered why No guy Seemed to truly love her Enough to stay. Day by day She’d think to herself This may well be the reason her daddy didn’t Stick around Long enough to hear the sound Of her first cry Because he too knew Before she was born into the world Deep down inside, There was something wrong with this girl.
So she chased every guy who smiled in her directions You see, Seeking love was her infection Passing the shards of her heart To each ‘brand new start’ Thinking they were the one Who would put her together again Yet every encounter left her even more broken Each ***** gentleman left a token Of their ‘gratitude’ Which was pain etched on her pieces of heart Leaving her further away from the start
“What’s wrong with me? Am I not worthy of love? Or am I just a girl Destined to be second in another world?” She’d cry out. Then she’d search about for the one. Yet it never occurred to her to Seek out The One Who could truly save her
The One who died on a Calvary Hill Healed the demon-possessed and the ill. The One who bled dry to save, The Ancient of Days, The Prince of Peace and Lord of Lords. Yes Jesus the risen Christ, Who mends hearts and makes them alright. The one who two thousand plus years Defeated death And Is worthy of all praise and cheers.
Then one faithful day they met Her heart could not believe the love After so many years of neglect. The Jesus she always cast aside Pieced her heart back together And gave her access to forever, He cleaned her sin with His blood And anoints her with His everlasting love. Yes the broken she Was now the beloved Princess Of The Perfect He.