How could your sweatpants retain your scent even though I washed them Eight times. P.S. I feel like I've lost you when I take them off.
I still feel your curls between my fingertips from that time I put you to sleep. P.S. I knew you loved it but I acted surprised when you told me you did.
I told you I was sweating because I forgot to turn my AC on but it was because I felt the spaces between your fingers fill mine. P.S. I was freezing.
Thank you for letting me rest my head on your shoulder all of those times I was exhausted. P.S. I was always wide awake.
Thank you for lending me your t-shirt for gym class. P.S. I had two extras in my locker.
You told me I looked beautiful when I came to school with no make-up on. P.S. I haven't worn any since.
We fell asleep with our hands miles apart until I felt yours tapping mine calling "Hey, come back home." P.S. Please let me come back home.