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Jul 2014
Sanjiv is a cat, a black and white cat
Mixed breed fluff ball with a pink wet nose
and big bat ears
he has a big chin and a tiny body
Sanjiv is a cute little cat
meow meow he says chirrup chirrp he greets me
I give him his breakfast nammm nammmm nammmm he likes it!
I've never known a feline so loyal
Sanjiv wears a blue collar with a name tag and a bell
despite the measure taken, he hunts rather well
snap snap snap oh no he caught a frog!
he doesn't mean to irk us, he's a tiger still
He has soft strong paw pads, I like it when he grips my finger
like a monkey, a cheeky monkey he certainly is!
his pupils dilate when he's up to mischief
late at night he's most active
like an ADHD vampire
Sanjiv the cat is a lovely cat
A hastily thrown together poem about my cat I wrote weeks ago when I was bored. It's nothing special, but it describes my cat well enough!
Written by
Mokomboso  In the junge somewhere
(In the junge somewhere)   
     ---, Paul Butters and Ariel Baptista
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