I want to come together with you so close that the chemistry between us so hot and dense is enough to coalesce to form new stars new galaxies a whole new world all our own. Enough to trigger the most brilliant Supernova so we may live on the brightest new star in the celestial sphere. And then I want the entire universe built in the image of you. All the forests will be done in the redwood brown color of your eyes. The freckles in your skin become the comets in the sky and the lines on the palms of your hands become the basis for all the constellations. The mountains are formed in homage to the shape of your spine. The color of your pale white skin is who to thank for the moon's soft glow. While the fire in your heart is how the sun learned how to burn. And both, too brilliant to lay eyes on. The waves in the oceans like the waves in your hair. The clouds in the sky as white as your sparkling smile. The sparks that fly when our lips come to meet will be the second Big Bang sweeping us off our feet and our world will be born surrounded with you and the best part of it all it's a world just for two.