We have love stories concerning us. No one seems to know how we broke up. You say one thing and I say another. I guess we disagree on many things like how our first hug went or the first words I said to you. How we actually got together the first time.
The first time, it sounds so childish. Three years ago you asking me out and I accepting in pity since the one you thought you actually liked didn't like you back.
We've had our rough patches and you want to be friends but I don't know if I can do that.
You were the first person to like me back. To actually understand how I felt and what I thought and you still do. You still hug me and I smile every time.
So I don't know what I'm doing anymore I guess writing poems about you when I should be trying to just be friends like you want.
But when I've tried so hard to not be friends I can't push that all away and give up all my hard work even if it hurts us. I want us to work, but you want you and someone else to work.