He looked at me The way you look at Stacked books On a wooden shelf, Carefully stroking my spine After he's done it to Three other stories he'd gotten tired of.
Mr. Bookworm, I am not a fictional option. Yes, my cover is Stained And my last reader Folded and tampered With all my pages, I only wish you'd Treat this piece of literature With respect. You see, Mr. Bookworm, I'm not a trilogy, At least I'm not sure yet. My Author isn't quite done with me. And I find it quite rude That you stare at my papery insides, Page after page, Only to leave me Back in the shelf, Collecting dust. Be patient with me, wandering reader. Wait for my story To reach it's ******. Inhale my aging pages Until you reach my resolution. My apologies For the times I've been Rewritten. But wait with me Till you've reached my story's ending. Because I swear upon my Mismatched table of contents, It will be a story worth telling.