A Ball of flame stuck above the spinning overpopulated ball of mineral. Thanks. This is a letter of appreciation to you. To show the abilities you possess. To your boring appearance. To gas, from me or you. To orbital seasons.
A letter of the heat you have allowed for my skin to absorb. The heat that tells ice to run free. The heat allowing the helpless to survive. The heat giving power to a solar panel in a 3rd world country. The heat taken for granted and cursed after a forest fire. In denial that you are simply allowing a rebuilding of nations.
A letter created because of the light you provide my fingers. Light that refuses close quarters with darkness. Light providing rays of D to flow into happiness of flesh. Light showing beauty on the faces of those on this bruised up earth. Light giving life to all forms.
But, What about that time you gave me false promises?? The sunrise dissipated by clouds and loneliness. Or how about when you burnt my skin. I remember that vividly. Lobstered up walking like a robot. I know the feeling because of the skin on my body told me so. I see straight through you, go pick on someone your own size. There's an entire universe out there waiting for your powerful engulf. ******* and up instead of down.
Or maybe you can turn off. We can pollute the ozone, block your outrageous rays, and slaughter the heat you produce. Then maybe we can live somewhere where feelings don't melt so easy.
A rough draft but a good perspective of how the sun is taken for granted.