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Jun 2014
...on my self-worth:

I am worthless, or close to it
I twist my self-worth to depend on the people I care about, so the smallest, most unintentional slight is taken with too much sensitivity
I don't deserve to be cared for
I am *****, and bad
I am at fault

...on my relationships:

I trust people I shouldn't too quickly, and people I should, not enough
I am emotionally needy, seeking constant reassurance that someone cares
At the same time, I push people away, testing their caring
Relationships with my parents are superficial
Relationships with my young siblings...were strained; now, they are better, but I am still unsure about how they really feel toward me

...on my views about ***:

*** is easily used for power
*** is easily made to be about control
*** is painful and causes guilt
*** is a way to make people want and/or need you, to make them want to be close to you

...on my life in positive ways- what strengths have I gained?*

+For all my emotional neediness, I am pretty self-sufficient- I know how to run a household and take care of a family
I am compassionate and empathetic
I am not broken, even with all I have been through- this shows me that I am strong
I know how not to parent
Written by
NitaAnn  Land of Nightmares
(Land of Nightmares)   
     Hidden Secrets, --- and ---
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