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Jun 2014
I learnt to hate.
I never knew how it was
to hate someone so strongly
but now that I do
I think I know…
It’s like… sipping a bitter,
bitter coffee
so slowly
that the taste wraps around your tongue
and burns it.
It’s like… bringing a matchstick
closer to your chest
and letting it create a hole
a red, blazing hole.
It’s like… being the rose yourself
that the lover crushes in his hands
seeing the fragrance melt—
the petals wither
in your own existence.
It’s like… praying and not receiving
Dying… and not dying.
It’s like panting breathlessly for air—
and blocking all pumps out yourself
But is that hate?
Or did I just define
how it was
*To miss you?
Maria I.
Maria Imran
Written by
Maria Imran  22/F
     laurence, Ana, Hsu Kai Ting, ---, Sherlinda and 8 others
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