I fished a box from the bottom of my closet The box I have used and reused (For quite some time) (For the same enough reasons) For I have nothing more left
I placed three of your shirts (Same scent since you last wore it) (Same scent since I last used it) Two of which I have altered for my figure One which reminds me of your sweat, your body, your fervor
As much as it pains me, I need to give up the ones that lingered the most too. A book for every special occasion A novel for every month, for every day I wanted to keep the memories (but not you)
I stacked Percy Jackson, Amy and Roger. I piled Riggs, Clare and Seth Baumgartner. I sealed the words that once got me through (The days without you) I’m giving them all back, so you’d know how it feels too.
I peeled our smiles, the kisses and hugs, the happy days (Which we used to have) I removed our photos from my collage I deleted you from my camera And I’m returning (our love) the products of your films to you.
I kept one. One photograph to remind me Of how much I have loved and lost. I kept one. To forever have this memory Of how much love we had. I kept one. (To remind me never to come back)
I untangled the bracelet, the necklace and the ring. I have spent my minutes treasuring them. But my time spent is enough. Now, this will be yours to have. To remind you (too) to never come back.