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May 2014
My friend...
You were my shade during the noons.
You were my umbrella during the monsoons.
You were my warm coffee during the chilly winters.
You were the cool breeze during the harsh summers.
I'll always remember you.

My friend...
You were the moon, who never leaves.
You were the sun who guided the petty little creatures like me.
You were the stars whose glimmer always amazed me.
You were the earth beneath my feet.
I'll always remember you.

My friend...
You were vast and endless like the sea.
You taught me to open my mind to your vastness and be free.
Your horizon taught me there is an end to the endless.
And your waters gave me a life so blessed.
I'll always remember you.

My friend...
You were a devine gift, from the great Lord himself.
But alas! gifts don't last long...
And over the years, they change
But the memories remain etched forever, and days after that.
My friend...I'll always remember you.
To a very very good friend who stood by my side always...
Its hard to find such people. They are like those rarest diamonds. If you ever find one, never lose that diamond. They are worth more than all the gold on this earth.
Mr X
Written by
Mr X
   lost in thought
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