My God, your God, our God, no God The bickering drones on and on for days Despite the gruesome injustices repeated in time We still fight, we still push and pull in all ways!
What good does it do to prove someone else wrong? Does it make you more right? Does it help us get along? How can we call ourselves elite, evolved and free When we can't let go of our choke holds and just let it all be?
Let it be. Lennon had it right. Live high. Mraz did too. And I didn't need a book or doctrines to develop this view. No, these philosophies were communicated through song Frequencies and vibrations that bypass all "right" and all "wrong."
We're all just doing our best To stand tall and hold up our chest To walk paths filled with smiles and sunny skies And skip those filled with darkness and filthy lies
We just want to love, though it sounds so cliche Peace, happiness and acceptance for all These drinks are on me, so, drink up, I say.
Drink 'til you're drunk on positive vibes Let them shake your iron fist loose Let go, for once, of your need to win Otherwise we're just tightening this ridiculous noose.
I don't know about you, but I don't wish to hang With guilt on my mind for persuading you to change So I'll just stand back and offer peace of mind: Follow your bliss, let it be, smile, and live high!