Frustrated by these tireless wars The world rages against As I am plunged into battle Caught in the many hooks As his red eyes burn into me Their desires seek all of me I just want to be free
As the empty heart craves All their worldly possession Can they make a personal confession Filling lives full of glory and triumph Many materials rattle and clatter As echos fall in the hollowness Of an empty heart
Prodded , provoked and paraded My enemy draws and clenches As he seeks to take and take Greed seeks the juice out of me My pride , my dignity
Stripped by the world of Everything , I hear my heart beat As I am drawn to the edge Of fire and conflict Torn by Love and vengeance I am consumed by the world of LOVE AND HATE
But deep in my heart Lives a silent beast A shiny blue dragon That sails with the doves And roars a white peace The world has its great feast As I sit , to look and see My surrendered violence be
As my peaceful heart melts And drifts away from The worlds blistering battle Many lost men attack My abandoned Castle and Stamp on my garments of war I have long since left lying I look at the world of the dying As the world rages My soul slips into the Realms of expansive bliss
For I have chosen To DROP INTO PEACE Some thing the world Can never take
Not sure how this turned I hope at least the message comes across ok