I hate being vulnerable. It’s terrifying. Letting go of those emotions that you work so hard to hide. Every day, at some point, I have to force down negative emotions at the thought that someone might see and know that I am not the strong person I show myself to be. That I am weak and that I am struggling. I hate being vulnerable. It entails opening up to someone and telling them all those ***** little secrets that you desperately seek to hide. Being raw with someone. But at the same time, it sounds beautiful. To be able to find someone who you can be vulnerable with. That trust. That raw, unadulterated trust. How can you know when you have found the right person? Can you know? It’s terrifyingly beautiful. I crave it. I fear it. Whatever I share could be used against me. They could laugh in my face and mock my pain. They could kick my dreams in the dust or never speak to me again. I could be rejected. But, I could be accepted. I could be loved. Respected. Understood. **It’s terrifying. It’s beautiful.