Everything about you is wonderful to me. Everything. I want to know everything about you, I want to know what the kids called you in 4th grade on the playground I want to know who your first boyfriend was and what your dad wanted to do when he broke your heart I want to know who your favorite 80's synthopop band is I want to know what you think of when you wake up at 4:26 in the morning with a stiff neck I want to know what color you wish your softest skirt was and I want to buy it for you. I want to pick every single flower on earth and fill your arms with them.
I want to hear your voice when you're sick in bed and I want to know what kind of tea to bring you I want to know what movie you watch when you can't do it anymore because that boy in your history class wouldn't stop calling you that word and ******* it you are not that word but this movie makes you feel better and it always has (it did in 4th grade when they called you that name on the playground)
I want to know which side of your face you prefer to have photographed I want to know who you pray for and if you think anybody is listening.
I want to know what your mother wanted to name you before your father convinced her otherwise because "Honey, do you really want our daughter to grow up being called that and have her know that we are responsible?"
I want to know if you like the feel of cold hardwood floor on your feet in the morning or the feel of carpet when you first take your rain boots and socks off after stomping puddles.
******* it, I want to know everything about you so I can love every single one of those things with an intensity the devout Christian envies.