Good job! You helped out and watched your siblings
...And showed them R-rated movies
Good job! You wore a Bible verse T-shirt to school
...After buying it with stolen cash
Good job! You got a purity cross necklace to wear
...Then "hooked up" that same night
Good job! You got a brand new Bible
...And stored it under your bed with the rest of your " junk"
Good job! You visited your church's website
...And bookmarked it right beneath *******
Good job! You went to that Bible-study group
...And afterward, to a party
Good job! You turned down a smoke while you were there
...'Cause at the time you were just thirsty
Good job! You prayed at the dinner table
...To get your turn over with for the week
Good job! You call out to God before falling asleep
...To blame Him for your problems
Good job! You plan on going to church again tomorrow
Just don't forget your cell-phone
Good job, Christian Keep it up.
|Written 2010| *from my Emerge collection, being poem #7. Please see the collection page itself.
This poem is one I've never felt quite satisfied with, yet it's a concept I want to address in this same basic form. Now that my poetry and mind has matured more, I may re-write this as a new poem addressing the issue I intended to in this one, in an improved, or heavier, more emotional, or more clear way. I'm not sure. Line 18 originally said "under *******", but I thought that could come across as the bookmark bearing that name, rather than the new bookmark being beneath it in the least, to signify lesser priority as added weight to the hypocrisy.