there is a house atop a hill that houses the lonely and hurting the ones that have burned their edges they sit within their ship incessantly sinking and panic has already set in so they grab at one another pull at their hair and skin because they fear time they fear time will fail them ****** them from where they stand end what is incomplete what they must complete but what they cannot because time has interfered and time is not the adventure they seek because there is a house that is haunting it stands tall, unafraid but alone a house that is time itself one where they gather only to hurt and inflict wounds so deep no one ever bleeds because there will never be time never enough time to say anything but what they mean a kind of time that they stretch so they exist at every point at every end but they never witness the whole because they refuse to believe that time is only a dream
Inspired by: Time and the Conways by J.B Priestley - Last bit dialogue from Act 2