I don’t think justice is sweet- not real justice anyway.
It’s not like a birthday cake, baked with love, shared with joy.
I think revenge is sold to us as sweet- the beautiful, perfectly decorated cake we bought from the shop’s window But one bite in and you realize: There is no sweetness only salt And curdled milk
I think justice is communal For the greater good
For true justice we must change the way we think. Not just for me, but for we For the whole community
So how can justice be people locked in cages Making slave wages How is that good for community. Parents ripped from their children Mothers’ children stolen locked away
Not learning how to do better Be better Stripped of the lessons from the mother Taught they are less than human Treated like zoo animals Rounded up like rats Unearthing the secrets of what curdles the milk
How can justice be sweet when this is the reality Selling out my fellow humans for my right to THE AMERICAN DREAM But is it really a dream worth dreaming- If it’s just for me and not for we
If this is justice why is it so hard to sleep. The spoiled cake sold in the bakery window We’ve already taken more than a couple bite Will we spit it out? Or will we binge until we reek- of salt and curdled milk?