“What’s the harm?” they whisper, “What’s the problem in being everyone’s fantasy?” “In having all of your friends find your flesh attractive?” “Having the pretty privilege morph into the entitlement of others?”
As they claim my skin and caress my bones. Peeling pieces of my body and making themselves at home.
Consent is implied within the lines of whatever bond we hold. Friends, family, lovers. What’s the harm in giving them what they want, what they demand they need. In watching them eat you up With a never ending greed.
“But you’re my fantasy” as if I’m obligated to the impressions of me you’ve shoved down my throat. Until I’m choking and sobbing pleading you to relinquish your hold.
Your eyes leave imprints and bruises as you salivate over a body I don’t even see. It was only 3rd grade. Again, when merely rending the damaged goods of a teen. By the time I was an adult it was the only way I was seen.
But age matters not, when you were never perceived as a human being, simply a desire for others to devour.
“What’s the harm in being a *** dream?” They scream “we’re all friends here” as they render my sobriety to shreds Only to tell me that it’s all in my head.
Society taught me to turn a blind eye, “what’s the harm?” It said with a sigh. They drugged me with ignorance, refuting my plea.
A passing inconvenience for you Born of my own naïveté, is a trauma memory that I can never undo.
There isn’t a piece of me you’ve not seen, nothing left of myself to discover. You’ve rendered my own exploration into nothing more than a detour.
You’ve taken every first I could have claimed and thought to beat a dog was the equivalent of making it tame. So now I’m sobbing into a void wondering why I was ever a thing that you could destroy?