And even as the rain falls quietly The cold comes silently And the time goes past midnight I still wish to to right By you, for giving me the gift I lost
A reason to get up and bother writing In a world nobody would see me worth fighting For honour, for myself, for what was us To avoid ever needing to cuss Even before I knew the cost
I pray you're well even on nights like this I pray God finds you and that you persist That if earth isn't our finale I pray heaven is our reunion Of 2 wayward souls
That even as the people I once called friends dissapear That my heart knows you're near Your value is higher than their memories Our moments cost more than their stories I realise now you were always the goal
And if we truly do never meet again Whether heaven, earth or the next life I pray our decendants become friends And bring light where we saw strife
I pray you atleast find peace In that galaxy you call your eyes That the rain in the skies Wash away what prevents you from release
Something I wrote on the spot on one of those nights again. Based on the same person as most of my new work as it inspires me further and more than anything has in the past. Thanks for reading.