Life is a series of tiring verbs as I wade through the ashes of orchids. I'm a vagabond with a ragged soul coming for you ******* a lonesome road. I float aimless, like an acorn in a mountain stream. The death of dreams smells like autumn leaves, lonely as driftwood.
Home is not going to be a white door at the end of a sidewalk. It's bigger and broader, and can't fit behind a fence and walls. It will always be the sum of my memories and longings.
Home is walking the streets, hand in hand, with our son on my shoulders. Home is lying in the grass with your fingers in my beard, and hope oozing from your blue eyes. It's eating sushi and laughing at our accidental touch of hands, reaching together for the last California roll; avocado safe at a sun-dappled table.
I'm drifting lost on a southern wind. When I'm with you again, wherever that is, I'll be home.
(Repost) Here is a link to my latest poetry reading on youtube.