Ivory lad, Ivy grad; Tell me, Why is it that you're so slow? Behind the times, Stuck where Even your parents have outgrown. What eccentric lessons, What bombastic professors! To say it is one school Would be an insult To the whole of the institutions' Asserted goals & aspirations. It would be a disservice To their alumni, The attendees, And those to be admitted. Prattle off your dissertations, I'm genuinely interested To hear of your perspective, But I won't hold my breath So keep the air honest Lest you share a foul stench Like dioxide so sulfurous. What hand is up your *** To puppet the controls as so? What stick has been stuck Through your rear-end Which parades you around on? What pike has been found Deep in your bowels Rendering detachment & disembodiment? From which war & what battle Do you think you're taking part of? Which side & which force Do you swear allegiance? What little league team, What playground do you call home? What duel with duality, What fight with nature! It would be entertaining If they had only stuck to playing in the mud.