She sits on sandy banks, the most beautiful sight one could see. I give the universe endless thanks for bringing and gifting her to me. We’re a perfect paradise, she’s always calmed me to breathe. It paid off that she rolled the dice, I know she’s not one for betting.
I can see stars looking out our window; they illuminate us warm in our bed. Through the screen I hear the wind blow, it’s like a lullaby playing in my head. “I love you more than you’ll ever know,” You’re in my veins as the blood I’ve always bled.
Warming hands and pulling at shades, rolling in white sands and waves, cascades. Toppling over all the sand castles that were made, brushing fingers on grassy patches; admiring every blade.
Watching the summer wind whip your hair to kiss your face I start to begin to put them back into place, before I declare that the act is just a waste as natural perfection is one of your many traits.
There’s no lies and no regrets, just those sweet summer sunsets and those relaxed and easy breaths, you are the best soul I’ve ever met. And we were acting like there were whales in Wasaga beach, who says there wasn’t baby, maybe they were just out of reach.
Once upon a time we went to Wasaga Beach and we continued to live happily ever after.