My strength is not borrowed— it was forged in silence, hammered by pain, and tempered in the fires of survival.
It does not come from borrowed fabrics or shallow wells of comparison; it is carved from my marrow, stitched into my skin with my own hands. You cannot wield my wounds against me.
I have held them like stones— felt their jagged edges, their weight pressing into my palms— and I have built something greater than suffering.
Vulnerability is not weakness; it is the raw truth of my existence: the mirror I no longer fear, the voice that does not waver, the heartbeat steady beneath scrutiny.
Speak of me if you must— but your words echo only within walls you have built to contain your own fears.
They do not define me; they do not alter my course. Compare me if it soothes you. Measure my steps against your own.
But know this: my journey is mine— unshaken by your judgment, untouched by your doubts.
I walk with confidence— not from arrogance, but from knowing: I have faced myself in the darkest hours, and I did not flinch.
"Cartographies of Resilience" is a powerful and unyielding exploration of strength forged through pain and survival. This poem is a bold declaration of self-ownership, where vulnerability becomes a source of power, and scars are transformed into the foundation of something extraordinary. With unwavering confidence, it dismisses judgment and comparison, celebrating the beauty of an authentic, unshaken journey. A reflection of the soul, it resonates deeply with anyone who has confronted their darkest moments and risen unbroken.