Tell me of your delight The wisp of wind That catches your hair Breezy enough to sense The winds direction To which you set your sails Moving through glass water Unwilling to break
Tell me of your delight In the shell of a snail Digging up its squishy life For just you alone Thumbing through In a smile and a jar of joy Enough to break a mother's heart With every win and loss On your way to manhood
Tell me of your delight As you swing in the air Legs kicking as branches do When the air picks you up No longer weighing you down All cares wash through The space of regrets And deposit themselves As pebbles on the shore Where your feet will land
Tell me of your delight Where the garden snake Attempts to outwit Your stride in the grass As you quietly watch With patience of a lifetime That marches ahead in this stillness That is between the distance Where now is forever In your hand you swoop up A life trying to escape yours Gleeful are you as you set The creature free once more
Tell me of your delight As you see the rays of a day Shine on every stone And drop of rain Washing rivers deleting cares Surpassing a mother's gloom Her soup of ingredients Marinated longer than your Innocence wants to keep birthing It will be her death that it takes To be released and unburdened So you can breathe again this day Heart open to drown all sorrows Brand new as the dew