I literally can't explain How I'm still here; Every single attempt I've FAILED Year after year Went bottoms up On a fresh bottle of Unisom® FAIL Two bottles of the same blue At the same time FAIL THREE bottles But this time Of the extra strength variety A 96 count in each FAIL One swipe of a blade Straight across Horizon inspiration FAIL Two more swipes From left to right Both left and right respectively At an angle this time FAIL Eyes closed before a five story attempt to fly Minus wings FAIL What have I learned? Only that the next one MUST NOT FAIL Don't worry, I'll get it right eventually Trust me You'll all see I'll be The hero in my story Slaying the beast, Escaping this purgatory And FINALLY Ending this tragedy The only way I know how ... I don't know how ... Pageantry turned reality ... This final bow is just that ... A final bow ... Please don't remember me