O mother of the Saviour of the world, Blesséd art thou, among all women blest, For God himselfe within thy womb was curl'd, And God himselfe did suckle at thy brest; And he that dyed and rose and quitt the tomb Blossom'd within thy house and there did bloom.
The firstborn fruit of Gods inerrant seede, Press'd like a bunch of grapes beneathe His wrath Untill the Man of Sorrowes sore did bleede And suffer more than any martyr hath, Was offer'd vpp a sacrifice for mee By Father God and, Mother Mary, thee.
Woman, behold thy Sonne, the glorifi'd, Transfigur'd Kinge of Heauen; lion, lamb, Messiah, God and man who liu'd and died And liues againe for aye, and is I AM; Like Abraham, the LORD did ask thy Sonne; Like Abraham, thou saidst, Thy will be done.