Spiral dynamics The mountain and Its wet reflection Reflected back to heaven Upward, onward Connection!
You're in my visceral section I'm in your sacral area With one heart between the both of us
Severed up and down Sectioned side to side Earth and Heaven Male and Female How long we bore this cross This vivisection Restore! Make whole! Connection!
Pouring myself into you Is exactly what i needed Today Tonight, i receive you Interpenetration Not up for interpretation
Coronal crown life, so virile with this eye I see we've overcome Tomorrow, as though it were yesterday
The sacred serpent Like a trumpet To our lips Writhed himself into us at the tip And received our fluid chemistry Producing musical harmony
what have we become? when mastubation's lost its fun, my sweetest friend
HOLY Holy holy
Past, present, future A single tapestry Woven of a single fibre Our very being connection