This is my recovery I’m not where I want to be I can’t shake these memories Of the person I used to be The scars fade but They’re the scars that made me The scars that saved me Now I’m a little closer to whole Filling in the holes that I wore through this soul of mine I’ve been run ragged carrying around all this baggage It gets too heavy after a while and it’s time to stop and steady myself Why don’t you just lay it down? This road keeps going up ahead There are more ways to move on and one day you will be found No sense in stopping now There’s life up ahead Living one day at a time I keep filing through the pain in my head Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace One day this life will stop and the you you knew will cease to exist There’ll be nothing left but what you did with all the pain Take a breath Take a step Let someone know Life will ebb and flow But we’re better off with you We’re better off because you kept going This is my recovery But it’s not just mine
Written from the writing prompt: “my recovery means…”