my eyes are drawn to two seagulls perched contentedly on a ****-caked lamp post nothing decorative lacking flourish or accent a simple narrowing pole coloured inexplicably green with gently domed cowls that gulls and pigeons seemingly frequent marred by a combination ofΒ cream brown white for all i know it could be their own faeces in which they stand or it could be weathered and aged built up and dried in place for days for months for years perhaps even decades never to return to untarnished days perhaps if the bulb blew or the lamp failed completely it might be restored while it is repaired but there is no guarantee of that and yet the birds could not care less they'll pay no heed to that which is less than perfection treating this evidently well-favoured resting place the same as they would an unmarred branch protected amongst tree tops or a dainty bird-bath amidst the flowers of someone's quaint garden