I seem to have aged twenty years over the last two especially since turning seventy - a personal view. From the outbreak of the ****** virus two years ago there's been a gradual decline in health for this I know. Although testing negative in the last week of November other health issues have been cropping up in December. I somehow think that my time may be coming around for where the body is to be laid to rest in the ground. Morbid thoughts such as the above are dominant today and with some people they don't easily just go away. In my particular case my right side has been affected and hobble around like some disabled person detected. I wonder how long it'll be before I won't be able to cope with doing all of those various things that range in scope from washing and cleaning to the other domestic chores which need to be done on a regular basis and time scores. Unless I can afford to pay for someone to help with it all if circumstances don't improve and my back's to the wall I may have to consider going into an old people's home or in some place where you're restricted to freely roam. Another possibility would be to invite someone else in that's compatible to shack up with and share the 'load-in' or even perhaps the other way around that is practical without being negative and deemed unjustly skeptical. Someone in whom similar interests and ideals are found all those things that are decent, life enhancing and sound. Already it's getting to the stage when I'll need to cut my hair something I used to be able to do by myself in the past there but now I can barely raise my right hand up to my head and the whole thing is a procedure I'm beginning to dread. ------------------- As everybody gets older and experiences the change they may notice their movements are becoming restricted in range. _______
Written in December '21 describing one of the main reasons I haven't posted anything on HP for quite a while. Please say a heartfelt prayer and send a kind thought for me and others in the same boat. Thanks to all for reading.