remedies is not only for something we can't pass remedies is for everything that has broken or just to re-new something - she learns something from her life, everyday but she never had a chance to write those down
it's not a scam when she said her favorite things to do are reading & writing or writing & reading reading a poem or her self-diary writing a poem or a self-diary she doesn't know if is a gifts or just a hobby because everytime she finished wrote all her poems, she re-read it, and she thought all eyes those read her words can write it too (with their own version(s))
in this, not-so, new day(s) herself will embarks to write all the tales where she's involved in
as long as she living her life this era is the lowest point in her life she doesn't know if it actually is, or it's just she made it all low
she can't even say a word to herself she can't even write what's in her head she can't even tell anyone when she really needs a person to talk all are just mixed up in her little head
she doesn't know if it is something like "manifesting" or what all she knows that she can't figure it out yet is it something related to science? like human mind? is it something related to religions? like human relations with The Creator? but one from many answers for the solutions (based on her own researches) is self-improvement she is pretty sure that is something wrong inside herself something to be fixed something that needs remedy but her body & mind are not so sure what is that (or what are those) her body & mind are still figuring out
it's not finished yet it is still figuring how it needs to be stopped it is still progressing 'it' is this story, her story, my story ..