While you strive toward lofty goals And work on them each day Don’t ignore another’s need But help along the way
While you journey on your path Don’t be afraid to stray Or tarry when a friend could use Some help along the way
As you focus on your dreams And try to shun delay Stay open - with a loving heart To needs along the way
Achievement and ambition Are noble - yet I say It may yet help another more To serve along the way
So in our life of “end results” Let’s not forget to pray That we might see with open eyes And help along the way
This is Prosperity Poem 124 at ProsperityPoems.com and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below). https://www.prosperitypoems.com/poems/Poem124HelpAlongTheWay.jpg You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
A few days ago, Kim I were driving back from a trip to Colorado, and I asked her for poem ideas. She said something about taking joy in the journey. She said the journey is part of life, and sometimes we hurry so much to get to our destination, that we miss the opportunities along the way. We love our little hiking trips, and we always try to find new places to explore on the way to our destination.
In your life, look for the people who need your help along the way to where you are going (literally and figuratively).