The land was cold, and dark and dreary Spotlights couldn’t be seen nor sounds be heard I took a step forward And decide it wasn’t enough The woods was cold, dim and soggy down the roads where footsteps of another drifting apart, acting no more as a flocking-fleeting friend The crate lay heavy in my arms perhaps I should've chosen another but I'm too far out to dare go back and ponder If perhaps.. the crate had been the right one. but maybe all wouldn't be laid fair, until another day where I make it back and choose what could've been a tranquil road The lands were cold, and dark and dreary there's a cottage nearby but still I stood by the dark pavement being me, deciding still one step after the other wasn't enough to ease myself despite the aching pain I doubted myself despite the warm home nearby that I.. I travelled by pushing back the aching pain and went along my way Ignoring all the protests the soles speak - I guess I'll have to save my pain for another day