I'll never forget when we were so young, you lived next door & we did everything together.
I'll never forget that time I came over for your birthday party & we accidentally locked ourselves in the bathroom, crying & screaming on the floor because the handle broke off and we thought we would never be found.
I'll never forget when we were sent outside of the classroom because we talked to each other too much. We sat on the side walk in silence.
Staring at a crushed, sticky candy apple glowing bright artificial red in the beaming sun on the pavement leftover from last night's school carnival.
I'll never forget how we could play outside A L L day long until the sun went to sleep and we smelled of freshly cut grass with wild flowers behind our ears.
The way we would swing so high until the tips of our toes would touch the leaves at the top of the trees above.
And we'd laugh nervously when we swung back down as our stomachs would release a kaleidoscope of butterflies.